
Sunday, November 18, 2012


I'm sure it is obvious from the lack of posts that the renovation/move process has finally caught up with us! All good stuff of course, but the last two weeks have flown by and we are now rushing around to pick out final details, arrange for the move, and of course, pack!

Thanks primarily to Andrew's hard work packing, move-in day is Wednesday. While the basement will likely have at least a week to go, the top two floors should be (almost) completely done.

Stairwell carpet before:                                                 Stairwell carpet after:

Kitchen with back splash, farmhouse sink and painted cabinets:

Painted kitchen island:

Basement with drywall:

Monday, November 5, 2012

the final countdown...

It's hard to believe that in less than two weeks, we will be moving into Old Yellow! While the basement will still have a couple of weeks of work left, we are told the other two floors should be done prior to November 17th.

The contractors are almost done laying the new wood floors, and even before painting (it's now just primed)  the den already looks like a completely different room:


to date:

And back to the kitchen, obviously my favorite space, here's our rough concept for the backs splash and coordinating room paint chips. Stay tuned!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

sparkling white

We have counter tops! Our beautiful quartz pieces were installed yesterday and I couldn't be more pleased. 

and can't forget that farmhouse sink (cabinets will be painted white to match)